Hello and welcome to my web page.
Welcome to my web page about breastfeeding. Whether you are already breastfeeding or about to start out on this wonderful adventure I hope to be able to help you find the answers to any questions or worries you might have. Each breastfeeding experience is unique and may not always be as straightforward as you imagined but for every problem there is a solution and I can help you find yours.
I have 17 years experience in helping breastfeeding mothers through my activities as a leader with La Leche league and now as an IBCLC ( International Board Certified Lactation Consultant).I do home visits as well as group meetings to prepare for breastfeeding or just simply exchange with other breastfeeding mums and families.
Please feel free to visit my site to find out more.
… and don’t hesitate to leave any comments on the content of my site and what else you would like to see there.I’m open to suggestions.